We will not, without your permission, sell, publish or share information you entrust to us that identifies you or any person.

Financial information

To manage your business.

Credit, bank, tax, and other financial data you use to stay productive. Only with your permission.

Contact information

To stay connected.

Address, phone, email, and other contact information you use to communicate. Only with your permission.

Location information

To find your customers.

Past and current locations used to find and track expenses and receipts. Only with your permission.

Data not collected


We do not collect this.

Biometrics includes your physical information such as fingerprints, facial recognition, signatures, and voice.

Browser history

We do not collect this.

Browser history is a list of websites you visit.

Phone or text logs

We do not collect this.

Phone or text logs are calls or texts you make or receive.

Health, medical, or therapy info

We do not collect this.

Health, medical, or therapy information includes your health claims and information you use to measure health and wellness.

User files

We do not collect this.

User files are files containing your content, such as calendar, photos, text, or video.

Government entities

Only when required by law.

We share information with government entities only when required by law or expressly permitted in an emergency. For more information please visit the Intuit Security Center.

Data not shared


We do not share your personal information with them.

Carriers provide mobile connections.

Ad networks

We do not share your personal information with them.

Ad networks display ads to you through apps.

Consumer data resellers

We do not share your personal information with them.

Consumer data resellers sell consumer information to other companies for multiple purposes.

Data analytics providers

We do not share your personal information with them.

Data analytics providers collect and analyze your data.

Operating systems and platforms

We do not share your personal information with them.

Operating systems and platforms are companies that power devices and app stores.

Other apps

We do not share your personal information with them.

Other apps are apps are other companies you may not currently interact with.

Social networks

We do not share your personal information with them.

Social networks are companies that connect individuals around common interests and facilitate sharing.